The Acting President and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh
"Your Excellency,

The aggression committed by Yahya and his Generals on your country makes it all the more necessary that the people of India and the people of Bangladesh stand shoulder to shoulder to repel the aggressors and fight for democracy and freedom and the values we cherish in common.Madam Prime Minister, we have the honour to inform you that in view of the direct aggression committed by Pakistan against your country on the 3rd of December, the freedom forces of Bangladesh are ready to fight the aggressive forces of Pakistan in Bangladesh in any sector or in any from. Out joint stand against military machinations of Pakistan would be further facilitated, if we enter into formal diplomatic relations with each other.
May we, therefore, repeal our request to Your Excellency that the Government of India to Your Excellency that the Government of India accord immediate recognition to our country and our Government. We should like to take this opportunity to assure Your Excellency that the Government and the people of Bangladesh stand solidly with you in this hour of peril and danger to both countries.
It is our earnest hope that our joint resistance to the nefarious plans and intentions of President Yahya Khan will he brought to a successful conclusion.We assure Your Excellency of our Government's full support in your just struggle against the aggressor.
Renewing Your Excellency, the assurances of our highest esteem.
Syed Nazrul Islam
Tajuddin Ahmad

"On behalf of the freedom loving and struggling people of Bangladesh, the Government of Bangladesh, as well as on our own behalf, may we convey to you and through you to the Government and the friendly people of India our deep sense of grateful appreciation not only for the act of recognition of our country but also for the kind sentiments and deep conviction expressed in your communications informing us of the decision of your country to recognize ours. We reciprocate your sentiments to the full and share fully your convictions. We can assure you that the bold and decisive action taken by you and your Government not only in recognizing our country but also in actively assisting us in achieving our liberation has had the deepest possible impression on our people.We have been flooded with reports about the great joy and enthusiasm with which your decision was welcomed by our people who have been suffering so long under the intolerable tyranny of Pakistan.
We have received eyewitness reports from all over Bangladesh testifying to the tumultuous welcome given to the friendly and assisting forces of India wherever they have gone, co-operating with and supporting our forces in our struggle for liberation. The response of our people has been so spontaneous and so spectacular that we feel compelled to ensure that their present agony and anguish are brought to an end at the earliest possible time. We, therefore, request you to accelerate your assistance to us so that the entire people of Bangladesh spearheaded by our fighting young man can crush the last remnant of Pakistan occupation and breathe the air of freedom very soon.'
'The message of the Prime Minster of Bangladesh to the Prime Minister of India and to the Government and the friendly people of India. The content of the letter is reproduced below on record for historical reason:
"Lip service was paid to the need for a political solution, but not a single worthwhile step was taken to bring this about. Instead, the rulers of West Pakistan went ahead holding farcical elections to seals, which had been arbitrarily declared vacant.There was not even a whisper that anyone from the outside world had tried to have contact with Mujibur Rahman. Our earnest plea that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should be released, or that, even if he were to be kept under detention, contact with him night be established, was not considered practical on the ground that the U.S. could not urge policies, which might lead to the overthrow of President Yahya Khan. While the United Stated recognized that Mujib was a core factor in the situation and that unquestionably in the long run Pakistan must acquiesce in the direction of greater economy for East Pakistan,arguments were advanced to demonstrate- the fragility of the situation and of Yahya Khan's difficulty.
Mr. President, may I ask you in all sincerity: Was the release or even secret negotiations with a single human being, namely, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, more disastrous than the waging of a war?The fact of the matter is that the rulers of West Pakistan got away with the impression that they could do what they liked because no one, not even the United States, would choose to take a public position that while Pakistan's integrity was certainly sacrosanct, human rights, liberty, were no less so and that there was a necessary inter-connection between the inviolability of States and the contentment of their people.
Mr. President, despite the continued defiance by the rulers of Pakistan of the most elementary facts of life, we would still have tried our hardest to restrain the mounting pressure we had for nine months, and war could have been prevented, had the rulers of Pakistan not launched a massive attack on us by bombing our airfields in Amritsar, Pathankot, Srinagar, Avantipur, Uttarlai, Jodhpur, Ambala and Agra in the broad day light on December 3, 1971 at a time when I was away in Calcutta, my colleague the Defense Minister, was in Patna and was due to leave further to Ban galore in the South, and another senior colleague of mine, the Finance Minister, was in Bombay.
The fact that this initiative was taken at this particular time of our absence from then Capital showed perfidious intentions. In the lace of this, could we simply sit hack trusting that the rulers of Pakistan, or those who were advising them, had peaceful, constructive and reasonable intent?We are asked what we want. We seek nothing for ourselves. We do not want any territory of what was East Pakistan and now constitutes Bangla Desh. We do not want any territory of West Pakistan. We do want lasting peace with Pakistan. But will Pakistan give up its ceaseless and yet pointless agitation of the last 24 years over Kashmir? Are they willing to give up there hate campaign and posture of perpetual hostility towards India? How many times in the last 24 years have my father and I offered a pact of non-aggression to Pakistan? It is a matter of recorded history that each time such offer was made, Pakistan rejected it out of hand.We are deeply hurt by the innuendos and insinuations that it was we who have precipitated the crisis and have thwarted the emergence of solutions. I do not really know who is responsible for this calumny. During my visit to the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria and Belgium, the point I emphasised, publicity as well as privately, was the immediate need for a political settlement. We waited nine months for it.
When Dr. Kissinger came in August 1971, I had emphasised to him the importance of seeking an early political settlement. But we have not received, even to this day, the barest framework of a settlement, which would take into account the facts as they are and not as we imagine them to be.Be that as it may, it is my earnest and sincere hope that with all the knowledge and deep understanding of human affairs you, as President of United States and reflecting the will, the aspirations and idealism of the great American people, will at least let me know where precisely we have gone wrong before your representatives or spokesmen deal with us with such harshness of language. With regards and best wishes,
Yours sincerely,