Walking with the students we reached before sunset to the office of Stale Congress in the king's palace at Agartala. The students introduced us with the secretary of State Congress. The secretary received us cordially. He and his other colleagues expressed their ardent desire to know the condition of our country and begun to question on many things. We described the real picture about barbarous aggression of Pakistani army on unarmed innocent Bengalese. We described the heinous attack of Pakistani hyena on the residents of Dhaka and the news of declaration of independence made by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The Leaders became astonished to Team our statements and wanted to know what sons of assistance they could provide us. We requested them to arrange supply of arms and training for them in order to fight against the Pakistani army. The Congress secretary told us that without direction of the Central government it would not be possible to supply arms. But if we want, we could help you to arrange food and lodging including training by the retired army personnel. At that assurance we felt relaxed. I consulted with Rafique that we would bring here our colleagues of the group and would lake training. At the same time we earnestly requested the congress secretary to arrange broadcast to the world the news of heinous and barbarous activities of Pakistani army through All India Radio. Because there was no other means before us to communicate the news to the world the heinous and barbarous activities of Pakistani army. The Pakistanis closed alt means of media transmission. They removed all representatives of foreign news media and journals on the plea of insecurity. Then were no means of media to communicate the incidents of oppressions and repressions and the news of resistance of the Bangalees af one region of the country to another region. At our request the congress secretary assured us to broadcast through All India Radio the news of oppression. On the context of their assurances we sent for broadcast through all India radio various types of news relating to oppression of Pakistani army, mass killing, ransom and the news of Bengali freedom fighters and activities of political leaden till Brahmanbaria-Akhaura remained free. Usually this news was broadcast through All India Radio and published in all the leading news papas of India.
The consultation with the leaders of state congress continued till night. After discussion with the secretary the student look as to a hotel of the town for meal and thereafter they arranged our accommodation in the house of a student. Though we got shelter in one house, the people of neighborhood got the news of our arrival in the twinkling of an eye. Malts, females, young men and also old man gathered there, as if everybody wanted to know the news of our country. The night became very deep in answering their questions. The students repeatedly requested them not to disturb us and in one stage arranged for our rest by somehow farting them out.
We were tired; the condition of mind was very bad. Nothing appeared to be pleasant to us. The students careful arranged everything for our sleep. We were very pleased at their entertainment. Though I slep enshrouding white bed sheet on my body, I could not sleep. every moment I felt anxiety and exitement. I felt uneasiness with the thinking of my mother, father, brothers and sisters at Akhaura and the distressed condition of our country I thought that as if Pakistani forces occupied our area by that time. The pathetic scene of killings and blazing flame of fire were flashing in my eyes. As it were I could not do anything. The scolding of failure enhrouded absolutely my mind with sadness. The memories began to strike my mind about the non-Bengali Binaries of Akhaura. In spite of living in the same urea and studying in the same school, it would appear that there were some differences between us. They did not like to mix us in any way, as if their society was quire different. Their conduct and behaviour appeared to be fomenting else, which indicated they’re haired on us. And on pleading about religious aspects the West Pakistani rules were almost busy in dividing Hindus and Muslims. Of course it appeared to me, much influence of orthodoxies was prevailing among the Hindus. After 1965 Indo-Pak War, the West Pakistanis always tried to create permanent division between Hindus and Muslims. We also opposed Hindus and Hindustan on religious spirit. Taking that advantage the West Pakistanis created permanent as their representatives on the plea of their rehabilitation. It was not true that the propaganda of West Pakistanis for creating orthodoxies in the belief of religion and malice was not only the main reason, but also the attitudes of Hindus were also responsible in many ways. Their social and cultural attitudes made us to create grudge against Hindus. As of example, we ware surprised to think over the matter that they would lose their purity, if any Muslim would enter into their kitchen. What arrangement as that? Did they loose their purity so easily? Bui this religious pride bowed down to the cause of humanitarian strnggle and fight for survival of a nationality and that it was proved to us when we came to Agariala. Though we were Muslims, the Hindus allowed us to sleep in their houses, provided meals for us. They did not fear from the instincts of their religion.
vary nice blooge